Python 3.5.2发布了,更新如下:
PEP 441, improved Python zip application support
PEP 448, additional unpacking generalizations
PEP 461, “%-formatting” for bytes and bytearray objects
PEP 465, a new operator (@) for matrix multiplication
PEP 471, os.scandir(), a fast new directory traversal function
PEP 475, adding support for automatic retries of interrupted system calls
PEP 479, change StopIteration handling inside generators
PEP 484, the typing module, a new standard for type annotations
PEP 485, math.isclose(), a function for testing approximate equality
PEP 486, making the Windows Python launcher aware of virtual environments
PEP 488, eliminating .pyo files
PEP 489, a new and improved mechanism for loading extension modules
PEP 492, coroutines with async and await syntax