Firefox 135.0 发布
Redmine 3.1.2, 3.0.6/2.6.8 发布,这三个版本都修复了一个安全问题:时间日志记录表的潜在的数据暴露问题。
这三个版本是维护版本,主要是 bug 修复:
3.1.2 (2015-11-14)
- Defect #20992: Parent priority “Independent of subtasks” setting doesn’t work
- Defect #20360: Project copy does not copy custom field settings
- Defect #20380: Cannot assign users to projects with IE set to compatibility mode
- Defect #20591: PDF export does not determine picture (.png) height correctly
- Defect #20677: Custom fields with multiple values required by worklow can be blank
- Defect #20811: long pre lines are missing from PDF export of wiki pages
- Defect #21136: Issues API may disclose changeset messages that are not visible
- Defect #21150: Time logging form may disclose subjects of issues that are not visible
- Defect #21155: Deleting invalid wiki page version deletes whole page content
- Defect #20282: Error message when editing a child project without add project/subprojects permissions
- Defect #20730: Fix tokenization of phrases with non-ascii chars
- Defect #21071: find_referenced_issue_by_id fails with RangeError for large numbers
- Patch #21031: Polish translation update for 3.0-stable
- Patch #21105: Japanese wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html translation for 3.0-stable
- Patch #20785: Polish translation update for 3.1-stable
- Patch #20837: Bulgarian translation
- Patch #20892: Spanish translation for r14637
- Patch #20906: Fix mulitple tab navigation highlighting and content hiding
- Patch #21019: Traditional Chinese translation (to r14689)
- Patch #21076: Move inline CSS to application.css for private checkbox
- Patch #21085: Optimize issue edit description link
3.0.6 (2015-11-14)
- Defect #20360: Project copy does not copy custom field settings
- Defect #20380: Cannot assign users to projects with IE set to compatibility mode
- Defect #20591: PDF export does not determine picture (.png) height correctly
- Defect #20677: Custom fields with multiple values required by worklow can be blank
- Defect #20811: long pre lines are missing from PDF export of wiki pages
- Defect #21136: Issues
2.6.8 (2015-11-14)
- Defect #20360: Project copy does not copy custom field settings
- Defect #20380: Cannot assign users to projects with IE set to compatibility mode
- Defect #20591: PDF export does not determine picture (.png) height correctly
- Defect #20677: Custom fields with multiple values required by worklow can be blank
- Defect #20811: long pre lines are missing from PDF export of wiki pages
- Defect #21136: Issues API may disclose changeset messages that are not visible
- Defect #21150: Time logging form may disclose subjects of issues that are not visible
- Defect #21155: Deleting invalid wiki page version deletes whole page content
- Patch #21030: Polish translation update for 2.6-stable
Redmine 是一个开源的、基于Web的项目管理和缺陷跟踪工具。它用日历和甘特图辅助项目及进度可视化显示。同时它又支持多项目管理。Redmine是一个自由开放 源码软件解决方案,它提供集成的项目管理功能,问题跟踪,并为多个版本控制选项的支持。
虽 说像IBM Rational Team Concert的商业项目调查工具已经很强大了,但想坚持一个自由和开放源码的解决方案,可能会发现Redmine是一个有用的Scrum和敏捷的选择。 由于Redmine的设计受到Rrac的较大影响,所以它们的软件包有很多相似的特征。
Redmine建立在Ruby on Rails的框架之上,支持跨平台和多种数据库。