Firefox 135.0 发布
RubyMine 2016.2.1 发布了,RubyMine 是一个全新的为Ruby 和 Rails开发者准备的 IDE (非开源且收费),RubyMine由 JetBrains 开发(JetBrains最著名的产品之一就是Java IDE:rubymine”>IntellJ IDEA了!)。
- YAML files containing template languages are now properly processed;
- RubyMine no longer freezes while indexing Haml, YAML and Slim files with unicode line separators (0x2028);
- Debug Rails Console is fixed for remote Ruby interpreter configured via Vagrant;
- The list of gems is now better synchronized when Rbenv gemsets are used;
- Minitest failure result nodes now have “jump to test” functionality;
- A diagram is now available to illustrate the relationship between views, states and templates in AngularJS app that use ui-router;
- In JavaScript code, options suggested by the completion popup are now sorted by use;
- For linters like ESLint or JSHint, the whole word and not just the first symbol is now highlighted when the linter reports a warning.