Firefox 135.0 发布
SonarLint for Visual Studio 1.6 发布,更新如下:
- Method overloads with default parameter values should not overlap
- Method calls should not resolve ambiguously to overloads with “params”
- “base.Equals” should not be used to check for reference equality in “Equals” if “base” is not “object”
- Attribute, EventArgs, and Exception type names should end with the type being extended
- “ConfigureAwait(false)” should be used
- Culture should be specified for String operations
- Overflow checking should not be disabled for “Enumerable.Sum”
- The length returned from a stream read should be checked
- “async” methods should not return “void”
- “FIXME” tags should be handled
- “TODO” tags should be handled
更多内容请看: release note 或者 SonarLint for Visual Studio web site.