SonarQube Java 3.1 发布,此版本在有关故障检测中新嵌入了 7 条规则。其主要更新信息如下:
- [SONARJAVA-922] – “super” symbol should be defined for enum and classes having object as superclass
- [SONARJAVA-927] – Annotations on enum constant is not available in SyntaxTree
- [SONARJAVA-930] – S2109 Analysis fail if annotation is declared in the same compilation unit as the expression accessing it via reflection
- [SONARJAVA-933] – NumberFormatException in S2437, S2183
- [SONARJAVA-934] – ReflectionOnNonRuntimeAnnotationCheck : ClassCastException
- [SONARJAVA-953] – FP on S1151: too many lines counted
- [SONARJAVA-956] – Multiple issues generated by squid:S1217 when nesting try-finally
- [SONARJAVA-959] – FP on S2109: Do not add issue if symbol of the annotation is unknown
- [SONARJAVA-960] – FP on S1168 no issue should be raised when method is annotated with @CheckForNull or @Nullable
- [SONARJAVA-961] – Deprecate rule StringEqualityComparisonCheck / Strings should be compared using “equals()”
- [SONARJAVA-963] – Rule MethodCyclomaticComplexity is not feeding EffortToFix – Linear Functions have no effect
- [SONARJAVA-971] – BytecodeCompleter does not set supertype when class not found
- [SONARJAVA-986] – S1168 FP and fail of analysis when lambda block returns null
- [SONARJAVA-167] – Provide an API to access information about Symbols and Types from checks
- [SONARJAVA-903] – S1120 Indentation Check: support tabWidth parameter
- [SONARJAVA-907] – S117 Bad local and method variable name: For loop counter should be ignored
- [SONARJAVA-920] – FP on S1312 : this rule should not apply to method parameters.
- [SONARJAVA-921] – S2068 should also log an issue when calling a method with two literal parameters and when the value of the first literal is “password”
- [SONARJAVA-924] – FP on S1181: Exclude catch of throwable that uses Guava Closer.
- [SONARJAVA-925] – FP S1452 : generic wildcards in return type should not raise an issue for private methods
- [SONARJAVA-929] – Extend resolution of annotations to fields and methods
- [SONARJAVA-931] – Add variable symbols for method parameters in semantic
- [SONARJAVA-515] – Rule: “Object” should not be extended
- [SONARJAVA-923] – Rule: S2112 “URL.hashCode” and “URL.equals” should be avoided
- [SONARJAVA-928] – Rule: S2259 Null pointers should not be dereferenced
- [SONARJAVA-932] – Rule S2696: Instance methods should not write to “static” fields
- [SONARJAVA-947] – Rule S2674: The value returned from a stream read should be checked
- [SONARJAVA-948] – Rule S2718: “DateUtils.truncate” from Apache Commons Lang library should not be used
- [SONARJAVA-957] – Rule S2695: “PreparedStatement” and “ResultSet” methods should be called with valid indices
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