Spring Framework 是一个开源的Java/Java EE全功能栈(full-stack)的应用程序框架,以Apache许可证形式发布,也有.NET平台上的移植版本。 该框架基于 Expert One-on-One Java EE Design and Development(ISBN 0-7645-4385-7)一书中的代码,最初由 Rod Johnson 和 Juergen Hoeller等开发。Spring Framework 提供了一个简易的开发方式,这种开发方式,将避免那些可能致使底层代码变得繁杂混乱的大量的属性文件和帮助类。
Spring Framework 4.1 GA 发布,此版本更新内容如下:
注解方式的 JMS 侦听器方法
完全支持 JCache (JSR-107) 注解
灵活的解析和转换静态 Web 资源
MVC 视图: 声明式解析、Groovy 标识模板、Jackson’s JsonView
WebSocket 改善: WebSocket scope, SockJS client support, WebSocket stats
性能提升: SpEL 编译器模式、跨容器的并发调整
Direct field binding support with auto-growing for nested fields
Java 8's Optional for injection points and MVC handler parameters
Support for the standard @Priority annotation for dependency ordering and selection
Annotated @Lookup methods with support for provided constructor arguments
Declarative SQL scripts and programmatic transactions in the TestContext framework
Enhanced Hibernate JPA setup: isolation levels, discovery of managed packages
Many of those topics have been covered in recent blog posts already and will also be prominently featured at our SpringOne2GX 2014 show in Dallas next week!
Spring Framework 4.1 并没有上升基础系统的要求,仍然是 Java 6+, Servlet 2.5+, JPA 2.0+ ,也就是说TA能在 WebSphere 7 上运行的很好。