Firefox 135.0 发布
TeamCity 10 EAP 2 发布了,TeamCity 是一款功能强大的持续集成(Continue Integration)工具,包括服务器端和客户端,目前支持Java,.Net项目开发。 TeamCity提供一系列特性可以让团队快速实现持续继承:IDE工具集成、各种消息通知、各种报表、项目的管理、分布式的编译等等,所有的这些,都是 让你的团队快速享有持续继承带来的效率提升、高质量的软件保障。
- in case of exit code problem, TeamCity now tries to locate relevant part of a build log and show it right on build results page
- performance of the project and build configuration settings editing has been greatly improved especially for large installations with thousands of projects
- you can now redefine inherited artifact dependencies in build configurations, the same as agent requirements and other settings
- a new option of the Free Disk Space build feature allows you to fail a build if sufficient disk space cannot be freed for the build
- it is possible to make parameter read only via parameter specification, such a parameter can not be changed via custom build dialog
- fixed issues