Wordpres The7.2 v1.2.1版本更新日志如下:
Theme Evolution
v.1.2.1 (Feb 18, 2015):
1. Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer was updated to newest version. 2. The7 mk1 is updated to v.4.4.8 to be compatible with WooCommerce v.2.3.x.
v.1.2.0 (Feb 12, 2015):
1. Theme is now compatible with WooCommerce 2.3.x.
2. New: long awaited option to display media inside albums in masonry and justified grid layouts.
3. New: "Theme Options > Archives" page allows you to select templates for your archive pages.
4. New: Bundled plugins update option added. Now you can update bundled plugins via "Appearance > Plugins" interface. Note that this feature is still in beta, so it will not work properly for Slider Revolution OR may not work at all on some servers.
5. New: ability to hide certain widget areas on mobile devices.
6. New: options for "Image & hover decoration": no icon and white icon.
7. Improved: at last masonry layouts will work in tabs. Massive yay
8. Improved: "Theme Options > Header & Top Bar" on layout tab you will find the setting to hide all additional elements (contact info, login form, etc.).
9. Improved: "Them Options > Theme Update" now indicates your active theme version.
10. Improved: auto-slide in scroller is now being paused when video in slide is being activated.
+ Some minor improvements and fixes.
相关详细介绍不再赘述,购买直接联系即可。如果你是开发者,建议使用The7 v4.4.8版本!
The7 MK1系列版本更新日志如下:
v.4.4.8 (Feb 18, 2015): The7 mk1 updated to v.4.4.8 to be compatible with WooCommerce v.2.3.x. v.4.4.7 (Jan 31, 2015): The7 mk1 updated to v.4.4.7: fixed issues with password-protected galleries. v.4.4.6 (Dec 23, 2014): The7 mk1 updated to v.4.4.6 for compatibility with WordPress 4.1.
The7 v4.4.8值得推荐!使用线上优化的稳定版本避免踩坑!