Firefox 135.0 发布
Tor Browser 4.5a5 发布,此版本现已提供在 extended downloads page 和 distribution directory。
Tor Browser 4.5a5 基于 Firefox ESR 31.6.0,包括 Firefox 重要安全更新。
此版本提高了系统的可用性和安全性。可用性方面创建了一个 Linux 的 FreeDesktop-compatible 启动封装器,给 Windows 用户提供可选的开始菜单和桌面快捷键。
在安全方面,改进了 Security Slider;改进了指纹防御显示;还有全屏的 HTML5 视频;Windows 版本不会再提示 Tor Browser 是 “unknown publisher”。
- All Platforms
- Bug 15448: Use golang 1.4.2 for meek and obs4proxy
- Bug 15265: Switch repo to
- Bug 9387: “Security Slider 1.0″
- Bug 13766: Set a 10 minute circuit lifespan for non-content requests
- Bug 15460: Ensure FTP urls use content-window circuit isolation
- Bug 13650: Clip initial window height to 1000px
- Bug 14429: Ensure windows can only be resized to 200x100px multiples
- Bug 15334: Display Cookie Protections menu if disk records are enabled
- Bug 14324: Show HS circuit in Tor circuit display
- Bug 15086: Handle RTL text in Tor circuit display
- Bug 15085: Fix about:tor RTL text alignment problems
- Bug 10216: Add a pref to disable the local tor control port test
- Bug 14937: Show meek and flashproxy bridges in tor circuit display
- Bugs 13891+15207: Fix exceptions/errors in circuit display with bridges
- Bug 13019: Change locale hiding pref to boolean
- Bug 7255: Warn users about maximizing windows
- Bug 14631: Improve profile access error msgs (strings).
- Include descriptions and tooltip hints for security levels
- Notify users that the security slider exists
- Flip slider so that “low” is on the bottom
- Make use of new SVG and MathML prefs
- Bug 13983: Directory search path fix for Tor Messanger+TorBirdy
- Update Firefox to 31.6.0esr
- Update OpenSSL to 1.0.1m
- Update Tor to
- Update NoScript to
- Update HTTPS-Everywhere to 5.0
- Update meek to 0.16
- Update Tor Launcher to
- Update Torbutton to
- Pluggable Transport Dependency Updates:
- Bug 14937: Hard-code meek and flashproxy node fingerprints
- Bug 13019: Prevent Javascript from leaking system locale
- Bug 10280: Improved fix to prevent loading plugins into address space
- Bug 15406: Only include addons in incremental updates if they actually update
- Bug 15029: Don’t prompt to include missing plugins
- Bug 12827: Create preference to disable SVG images (for security slider)
- Bug 13548: Create preference to disable MathML (for security slider)
- Bug 14631: Improve startup error messages for filesystem permissions issues
- Bug 15482: Don’t allow circuits to change while a site is in use
- Linux
- Bug 13375: Create a hybrid GUI/desktop/shell launcher wrapper
- Bug 12468: Only print/write log messages if launched with –debug
- Windows
- Bug 3861: Begin signing Tor Browser for Windows the Windows way
- Bug 15201: Disable ‘runas Administrator’ codepaths in updater
- Bug 14688: Create shortcuts to desktop and start menu by default (optional)