Vue v2.0.0-rc.2 发布了,Vue.js 是构建 Web 界面的 JavaScript 框架,提供数据驱动的组件,还有简单灵活的 API,使得 MVVM 更简单。
- v-show now respects the original display value of the element (@chrisvfritz)
- The server renderer now supports rendering <script> and <style> tags (they are still forbidden on the client) – this allows using a Vue component to render the HTML layout of the entire page. (@naumovs)
- Added warning for missing v-on handlers.
- Added warning for duplicate <slot> usage which used to work in 1.x but is no longer supported in 2.0.
Bug 修复
- Fixed vdom patch errors on components with empty root (e.g. when root has v-if or transition)
- #3433 fix enter hook not firing for v-show transition
- #3439 fix v-model on input[type=range] in IE
- #3440 fix out-in transition entering early when parent re-renders
- #3451 fix native events on components with inline-template
- #3453 fix unnecessary child watcher calls on parent re-render