Firefox 135.0 发布
WordPress 4.5.3 发布了,该版本主要修复了 4.5.1 和 4.5.2 中发现的已知 Bugs。
主要 Bugs 修复如下:
- #35657 Image height calculation not always available on body.load
- #36379 Saving post can remove its hierarchical terms if user cannot assign terms
- #36531 Default image size medium_large is not generated
- #36533 Browse Media doesn’t work on front-end
- #36590 POST[‘nav-menu-data’] breaks other POST
- #36637 Inline linking inserts `_wp_link_placeholder`
- #36660 WP_Customize_Widgets::preview_sidebars_widgets() can return false
- #36708 Silence ini_set() in wp_debug_mode() if WP_DEBUG is off
- #36748 Updating tables to utf8mb4 causes some columns to change type
- #36749 Customizer wont load: issue with site-icon control
- #36767 oEmbed performance optimisation
- #36793 Customizer doesn’t load in IE8
- #36838 Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /wp-includes/theme-compat/embed-content.php
- #36861 The Insert into post button in the Edit Image window doesn’t work.
- #36876 TinyMCE: inline toolbars don’t adjust position
- #36892 Update jQuery migrate to 1.4.1
- #36900 Media grid AttachmentsBrowser arrows navigation and restoreFocus()