Firefox 135.0 发布
Zabbix 2.2.9 正式发布,此版本现已提供下载:。
此版本修复了 Zabbix 2.2.x 的 bug,引入了一些新特性。新特性概览请看:。
:: VMWare 监控改进
:: 翻译更新(Polish and Slovak)
:: 改进列表
- [ZBXNEXT-2354] separated VMware performance collector based statistic retrieval from VMware data retrieval and added items to monitor custom performance counters
- [ZBX-1357] updated Polish and Slovak translations; thanks to Zabbix translators
:: 完整改进和 bug 修复列表
- [ZBXNEXT-2354] separated VMware performance collector based statistic retrieval from VMware data retrieval and added items to monitor custom performance counters
- [ZBX-1357] updated Polish and Slovak translations; thanks to Zabbix translators
- [ZBX-9344] fixed infinite looping in[] in case there is no password prompt
- [ZBX-9281] fixed undefined offset in template screens when resource is URL
- [ZBX-4633] fixed host inventories not displaying all filtered results when record count exceeds global limit
- [ZBX-9283] improved proc_info item (Windows only) to get more information about the processes
- [ZBX-9284] added zabbix log file locking to avoid incomplete logging on log file rotation
- [ZBX-9143] improved proc.num under Windows to handle more processes
- [ZBX-9232] fixed incomplete eventlog messages
- [ZBX-9285] fixed memory leak when processing host prototypes
- [ZBX-9279] optimized VMware requests to reduce amount of transferred data
- [ZBX-9087] fixed DB_ID validation expression to properly validate upper bound of received value and fixed various front-end forms not properly validating IDs
- [ZBX-7719] added configurable timeout for VMware data gathering requests
- [ZBX-9241] fixed possible vfs.fs.discovery item crash on AIX systems
- [ZBX-9104] fixed repeated error messaging if ssh channel failed to close
- [ZBX-9183] fixed eventlog message collecting in case of error formatting the log message; thanks to Kodai Terashima
- [ZBX-9233] fixed processing of bogus negative value of performance couter
- [ZBXNEXT-2354] fixed VMware virtual machine network and disk transmission rates being reported in kilobytes rather than bytes
- [ZBX-8448] fixed host and template permissions validation when an object belongs to both read and read-write groups
- [ZBX-8448] added read-only groups in host and template edit forms as grayed out when object belongs to both read and read-write groups
- [ZBX-8448] fixed template edit form losing host and template linkages by adding grayed out objects when they belong to both read and read-write groups
- [ZBX-8448] fixed trigger and trigger prototype “enable/disable” action when trigger belongs to read-only group
- [ZBX-9013] fixed action operation incorrect sorting in edit form which sometimes caused duplicate and missing operations
- [ZBX-8993] added check for a valid reference of a global regular expression in lld rules
- [ZBX-9088] fixed parsing of SNMP traps for correct processing of delayed traps
- [ZBX-9093] fixed API host.create method for MySQL strict mode when given partial data in “inventory” property
- [ZBX-9168] fixed incorrect keys and unified key parameters in the item key helper
- [ZBX-8584] fixed vmware eventlog items sometimes returning duplicate values
- [ZBX-9195] fixed lastlogsize and mtime being updated on proxy for unsupported items; thanks to Yoshinori Komuro for patch
- [ZBX-9010] fixed audit actions not displaying most recent logs when record count exceeds maximum
- [ZBX-8555] fixed ‘broken pipe’ errors when executing remote commands. This was happening because pipe was closed without reading from it
- [ZBX-8828] made ICMP items go unsupported if ICMP packets cannot be sent to their host
- [ZBX-9163] fixed SNMPERR_TOO_LONG error being wrongly treated as a network error; thanks to Santal for patch
- [ZBX-6047] fixed system.boottime and system.uptime returning incorrect results on Solaris zones
- [ZBX-9176] fixed {DISCOVERY.SERVICE.NAME} macro to expand properly for HTTPS and Telnet services
- [ZBX-9154] fixed compilation error with Oracle backend
- [ZBX-9042] unified “mass update” spelling in trigger configuration page
- [ZBX-9153] fixed vmware.version item key being listed as vmware.eventlog in the item key helper
- [ZBX-8405] fixed typo in item key helper for system.cpu.num item description
- [ZBX-8846] fixed non-existent page displaying
- [ZBX-9126] fixed processing of trigger/graph prototypes in case when all item prototypes in trigger/graph prototypes were changed